BAGS continues with a mix of virtual, hybrid, and in-person meetings and educational opportunities throughout the year
- December
- October
- August
- April
- January
BAGS has a mix of virtual, hybrid, and in-person meetings and educational opportunities throughout the year - something for everyone!
- December
- September
- August
- April
- March
BAGS continues to be mostly virtual, though we will now have three in-person meetings per year (April-National Volunteer Month, August-Show & Tell Potluck, December-Holiday Party). This year, BAGS celebrated its 20th anniversary during it’s December holiday party at the Lonestar Flight Museum. It was very well attended and a tremendous success!
- December - 20th Anniversary / Holiday Celebration
- August
- Bus Trips
In March of this year BAGS transitioned to all virtual meetings because of the corona virus pandemic (COVID). We managed to get bus trips to the Clayton Library in January and February before going virtual.
- Bus Trips
- February
- January
- Bus Trips
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- June
- May
- April
- March - Anico and Bryan Museum
- February
- January
- Library Exhibit
- December
- November
- September
- August
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- February
- January Speaker - Frank Billingsley
- Freeman Library Display
- December Holiday Luncheon
- Show and Tell
- Library Display
- December Holiday Party
- August Show & Tell
- Freeman Display
- Holiday Party
- Seminar
- Show-N-Tell
- Library Displays
- Holiday Party
- Show-N-Tell
- Library Displays
- 10th Anniversary
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