About Us

Back in 2001, Carolyn Hellen was teaching a beginners genealogy class at the University Baptist Church and dreamed of a genealogy society in the Houston Texas Bay Area. She realized the only way to make this happen would be to have genealogy meetings in our own area. Later that summer, an organizational meeting was held at the University Baptist Church with enthusiastic people willing to join and serve as officers, thus was born the Bay Area Genealogical Society.

The above article was a summary from two of our Quarterly articles by Carole Varnado.

In Memory Of Carolyn Traweek Hellen, November 4, 1937 – November 7, 2021

Mailing address:
Bay Area Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 590853
Houston, TX 77259-0853
Contact us: Info@txbayaregen.org

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